GM lovelies, peace, and blessings on this beautiful Sunday morning. Not feeling 100% this morning but that’s OK because God showed me grace and mercy and blessed me with a new day. Inspite of not feeling well, I still have a nugget for you this morning.
The word Jerusalem in Hebrew is “Yerushalayim” which is made up of two Hebrew words; yeru which means “you will see” and shalom which means “the peace of God.” So Jerusalem is supposed to be the place where you will see the peace of God.
In the Book of Revelation, we read that the followers of God will live in a “new Jerusalem” in God’s Kingdom – and we will see the peace of God. Jesus told his followers that “… the Kingdom of God is within you”, which means the “peace of God” is within us. (Luke 17:21)
Will the people around you see and experience the peace of God today because of you? As Christians, we tend to forget that we may be the only Bible that people may read. Including me. What do I mean by that you ask? Well simply put. Your Christianity is not something that you put on like clothes or only meant for Sunday mornings when around other brothers and sisters in Christ.
But then during the week, you don’t speak to people, you backbite or just forget about how we should be as a Christ-like child. A Christian. Do I feel that I’m perfect? By no means will I ever think that. I’m just sharing what God has given me. As I’ve stated in previous posts God has been dealing with me on being transparent. Does it hurt sometimes? Yes, Lord!
But if the things that I share, I’ve gone through or that I still may be going through, inspires, encourages or helps someone, that’s awesome! I have done what I was instructed to do even if it’s just one person. That’s the person God wanted me to touch that day.
Be the peace that someone may need today. Speak to people. Give them a smile. Shoot, that may be all they need. Live life, give people hope and share your heart, wisdom, and resources. Never place a period where God says there should be a comma.