February 6, 2016
“The Good Shepherd”
Good Morning Beloved. Today is another day, another chance, another opportunity to turn it around. To try harder. To not give up. To have a heart and a spirit of servitude.
It is a beautiful thing when God wakes you up with a song on your heart. I hadn’t heard the song on my heart this morning for quite some time.
Quietly He speaks to me.
Gently He leads me.
Lovingly the Shepherd carries me.
He carries me hidden safely in His bosom
I feel His love inside when other times, my friend, I couldn’t.
He knows just what’s best for me;
The Good Shepherd knows, He knows
Just what I need.
Quietly He speaks.
Gently the Master leads.
So lovingly He carries me to
A safe place of rest.
And I feel the Master’s unconditional love,
Everlasting love,
Ever so deeply inside of me.
I’m so glad Jesus knows
Just what’s best for me and my house.
The Good Shepherd knows –
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for Jesus is with me.
He leads me, He guides me, He hides me
In the shelter of His arms;
He holds me there.
The Good Shepherd knows
Just what I need.-Yolanda Adams
I am so thankful for the Good Shepherd. God always seems to know what I’m going to need throughout my day. So for Him to awake me with this song on my heart just reaffirms to me that He loves us so much, each and every one of us, as if we are the only person in the world. That’s how personal He wants each of our relationship to be with Him. I want you to ask yourself this morning “Do I really know the Shepherd?” I’ve just rejoiced thinking about Jesus as the Shepherd who knows and loves us. A very, beautiful picture indeed. Jesus calls us His sheep and scripture says, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” (John 10:14) What is the first thing you think about when you think of sheep? Most people think about the sheep on the Serta Mattress commercial. Or, as something cute and wooly, soft and cuddly. But this is a misconception of sheep.
The truth of the matter is that sheep are dirty and rebellious. They easily wander and never learn from their mistakes. Easily frightened and confused-known to plunge off cliffs in their fear and confusion. Defenseless and dependent. Need guidance and protection. Sheep often are searched for and brought back to the flock. Wow! Sound like anybody you know? Sounds just like us. Be honest. While all of us (sheep) are alike in our own fundamental nature, each of us have our own distinctive characteristics. The loving shepherd recognizes these differences and deals with all differently, yet with the same love. Since He knows our natures, HE KNOWS OUR NEEDS. When all is said and done the welfare of any flock is entirely dependent upon the shepherd.
As the shepherd cares for the sheep, the sheep get to know the shepherd better. Friends, you need to know this Good Shepherd. You need to know this morning that this good shepherd will not leave you. That even when you stray off, even when you feel the rains of this life bogging you down. You will never be abandoned. For this shepherd has literally given his life for you and me on a cross just outside the city gates of Jerusalem. Do you know this Good Shepherd? Do you recognize his gentle voice calling you by name?
My prayer for you is that if you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior-The Good Shepherd, that today you seek to know Him. He’s waiting to carry you to a safe place of rest with unconditional love. He doesn’t care where you are in life at this moment. What you have or don’t have, He has whatever you need!
I come to you this morning, asking You, to teach us to follow you. To care for all that are close to us. To protect those who are threatened. To welcome those who are rejected. To forgive those who are burdened by guilt. To heal those who are broken and sick. To share with those who have little or nothing. To take the time to really know one another and love as you have loved us. In the Strong and sufficient Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!
Live life, give people hope. Share your heart, wisdom and resources. Never place a period where God says there should be a comma.
As always peace and blessings, be safe. Remember God loves you and so do I. ©krw 2.6.16