Good morning beloved FB family and friends God is a great God and greatly to be praised. Do you praise Him just because? Or do you always have to have a reason? Let us remember that God has done so much that it should be easy to praise Him just because.
Everyone has opportunities to get upset and be frustrated every single day. Sometimes it’s the little things — we can’t find the car keys, traffic is backed up, somebody was rude, or what should have taken an hour ends up taking four hours. Something happened and now you are frustrated and all bent out of shape. There will always be something that can sour your day, but if you are going to live in victory, you have to maintain the right approach. You can’t let the little foxes spoil the vine. In other words, don’t let the little things in life spoil the harvest God has for your future.
I’ve heard it said, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond.” Make sure you respond to life with an attitude of faith and expectancy. Sure, things may irritate you, but don’t let that irritation last into the next moment. Let it go. Don’t try to control everything around you. Instead, release it to God knowing that His plans are for your good, and He is leading and guiding you in the path of blessings.
“Catch for us the little foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.” Song of Solomon 2:15
Live life, give people hope, share your heart, wisdom and resources. Never place a period where God says there should be a comma.
As always, peace and blessing be safe. Take advantage of your opportunities but never allow your opportunities to take advantage of you. Remember God loves you and so do I. ©krw 3.23.16