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“Signal Lost”

Kim W.

Good morning friends. God’s grace is so sufficient and we tend to forget that it is. We want things the way that we want them forgetting or not realizing that God has a plan for all of us. And because of His grace we are not consumed by how and what we have done that is sinful. Those knowingly done and unknowingly.

Whenever it storms my satellite signal is lost and it doesn’t come back until it reconnects to the tower that the signal comes from. This also happens sometimes when I’m on my cell phone. I can recall several times that this happened during phone calls with my Mother who lives in another state. There are great advertisement for these sources. If we are honest, we recognize that even though “the advertisement” promised some pretty great things, including this slogan “You will experience no signal loss!” We find this not to be true too often!

But, yet when the signal does not come from the tower the items receiving it are useless or have temporary disconnections. But as the signal returns the connection gets stronger and stronger. This same analogy can apply to Christians. When we don’t connect to God we lose our connection with the power source that supplies it-Jesus! This can happen frequently in our prayer life. All believers can achieve better results in prayer by eliminating the following 4 barriers to prayer. A disconnected relationship with God. Not admitting sin. Broken relationships and too little Faith.

Prayer is our direct mode of communication with God. God promises in His Word that we could have many benefits in our lives if we would pray. We might even use all of Jesus’ instructions on how to pray, but sometimes the signal seems to be cut off. What is supposed to be a 2-way communication mode turns into a one way conversation into a dead phone. Why does this happen? What are the causes of the “prayer signal” getting broken as we try and communicate with God?

The Bible gives us some great answers to explain this dilemma, as well as giving us knowledge about how to keep the communication flowing in our prayer life. God tells us in His Word about being disconnected from Him. Scripture says, ““I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” John 15:5-7.

This passage is full of “ifs.” If you are living a life where you are working at staying connected with Christ you are reading the Bible, you are obeying what you know the Bible commands, you are living a 24/7 life of keeping in step with the Spirit. Then you can expect your prayers to be answered. One thing is for certain, a cell phone that is never plugged in or loses its signal will never work as a communication method. In the same way, a relationship with God that is never cultivated through time “abiding,” in Him will never work either!

But on the other hand – this teaches that IF you’re not getting any answers to your prayers – if it seems you’ve been disconnected in your communication line with God – THEN perhaps the place to look is whether or not you’ve been “remaining” in Jesus!!!

When we pray and don’t confess our sins there are consequences to this also. We may have been taught that no matter where we are or what we have been doing God hears our prayers. It may shock you to know that God says in His Word that there are times that He will listen to our prayers, even though we earnestly bring them before Him. Oh yes – God always hears our prayers. But he will not listen to the prayers of people who are involved in willful disobedience against him who then come and ask for his “Blessing” on their life. And God says “Do you really expect me to listen to you when you’ve been choosing to disobey Me?”

When we are too prideful to admit we were wrong, we place ourselves in opposition to God. And if we put ourselves in opposition to God – we shouldn’t be surprised that our communication with him gets disconnected!!!! Remember disconnection from God can come from many sources!!!!

“But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” James 4:6

Live life, give people hope, share your heart, wisdom, and resources. Never place a period where God says there should be a comma.

As always peace and blessings, be safe. Remember God loves you and so do I. ©krw 6.15.26

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