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Writer's pictureinfofourmysons


August 25, 2020

Good morning Lovelies, Father I come to You, first just to say Thank You. I ask that You forgive me for letting my life get so busy that I often do not prioritize my time with You. Thank You for always giving me a second chance to do so. Thank You also for reminding me of the danger in trying to face life’s challenges in my own strength. Time in Your presence brings peace, comfort, and renewed hope. Your presence is a gift and I will make time for that gift by making time to seek You in prayer each day. Whether it’s for five minutes or an hour. I know you would meet me there if I just listen. In the Mighty Matchless Name of Jesus, Amen!

In my devotional time, my habit has always been to read the scriptures silently to myself. But, recently I have found myself needing to reread each passage several times. So it dawned on me, I was just allowing my eyes to scan across the page. I was not really paying attention to the passage, and I definitely was not hearing the message. I’m so glad God has been dealing with me on being transparent and I hope that this is helping someone like it has me.

So, I began to read the scriptures out loud. As I did, I noticed that I would inadvertently change a word, skip a word, or even insert a word. I realized that, wow, I must have skipped even more words when reading silently. I’d had trouble getting the message before! Reading out loud also gave me the opportunity to add emphasis and expression to the scripture. I found myself feeling more in the scripture if that makes any sense. It allows me to hear and feel the emotions of the passage. It has become easier to understand the message because I am able to hear God’s message to me by listening even though I may be reading out loud.

We may have the opportunity to hear God’s Word many times during the week. During worship service, Bible Studies, and Sunday school classes. In the songs, the choir sings and then when we have our personal time with God. When we listen and begin to understand God’s messages to us it becomes easier for us to do just that-LISTEN!!!

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

Love life, give people hope and share your heart, wisdom, and resources. Never place a period where God says there should be a comma. As always peace and blessings, be safe. Take advantage of your opportunities but never allow your opportunities to take advantage of you. Remember God loves you and so do I. krw©8.25.20

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