Good morning friends. This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. I was thinking this morning how we are so prone to excuses. We say things like “I can’t do it because I don’t have the skills or the education for it.” “I’m gonna,” I could go on with the excuses that we use but what I really want to point out is this, “I can’t” is always in there somewhere. These two words should be words that are used very little in our vocabulary.
Why should you say “I can’t “when the Bible says, that you can do all things through Christ,” who gives you the strength and the knowledge. For one thing is certain if you believe and trust in God He will equip you with what you need, especially if it’s kingdom focused. I have been dealing with the fact of whether or not I should write some of the things that I’m feeling in the spirit because sometimes I feel that it may be too strong or someone will feel offended. But after fasting and praying about this issue God says just give them what I’m telling too. Quite frankly, I love each and every one of you but what you think of me is not as important as what God thinks of me. Those of you that are being blessed by what He is given me all praise and honor goes to God. Those that may feel offended I still love you just the same and will continue to pray for you as always. But now that all that is said, I digress and continue. God is saying that it is time out for all the excuses.
You see whether you are a devout Christian or not you know that God is real whether some of you want to believe it or not. Yes you have your atheist and the like, but to be honest with you some of them believe also and just don’t realize it. But spiritual slackness is the enemy of spiritual growth. God does not reveal Himself to those that are slack and He does not reward those that are sometimey. You must commit to seeking and following Him in order to receive Him. There is no middle ground to stand on. You have two choices, either, do it your own way and continue to fail or fool yourself that you did it, or you can diligently seek God’s ways. God wants people that will hear His voice and then follow His commands. He wants Christians that are faith walkers and not jive talkers. He doesn’t need anyone with an “I’m gonna” mentality, but he needs those with an “I’m willing” mentality!
God has already given us the instructions in the presence of His Holy word. How many times have you purchase anything and it didn’t come with instructions? Or, you didn’t always follow them completely and you found that you always had some of the parts left. Well, God has already purchased us with a hefty price when He allowed His son Jesus to die for us. Follow the instructions to the letter without leaving anything out and you will find that it will work every time. It’s time to step out on faith and except what God is expecting from you.
Some of you have been struggling with the same mess for years, in the same place, dealing with the same issues for too long. Why do you think this is so? Because, you haven’t turned to the one that can take care of it. The problem is you’ve been trying to do it on your on and there is “nothing” that you can do without God. God wants you to pray and get up. Take up your bed and walk. Don’t just sit there move! You’ve been thinking that you want to start your own business or something to that effect but you say that you don’t have the money to start it, who did? You don’t have the time to start it? Who does? You don’t have the courage to begin? Get some!
Get over your hurt, your past, your slackness, and the spirit of hindrance and move! God is waiting on someone to advance the Kingdom of God with diligence and fervor. Why should He give us such a beautiful gift and we waste it? Was the price Jesus paid not enough? How many of you could sacrifice your child because of the love that you have for others? Excuses are a part of fear also!!! This is what I think of fear-Face, everything, and, rise!!!!
“I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.” John 14:1
Live life, give people hope. Share your heart, wisdom and resources. Never place a period where God says there should be a comma.
As always peace and blessings, be safe. Remember God loves you and so do I. ©krw 5.29.16