Good morning family and friends, Paul says that we ought to live now like we will live in heaven. This is why you have to get beyond material things. You cannot walk out the purpose for your life if you don’t understand who you are in Christ.
What can we do to get rid of guilt? King David was guilty of terrible sins-adultery, murder, lying and yet experienced the joy of forgiveness. We too can have this joy when we quit denying our guilt and recognize that we have sinned. We should admit our guilt to God and ask for forgiveness. Let go of guilt and believe that God has forgiven us. When you sin and are fully aware that you cannot do, pay, or apologize enough to make up for it, you feel condemned and hopeless at times.
This can be difficult when a sin has taken root and grown over many years, when it is very serious or it involves others. We must remember that Jesus is willing and able to forgive every sin, in view of the tremendous price He paid on the Cross. It is arrogant to think that any of our sins are too great for Him to handle. This leaves you completely dependent on Jesus and completely safe in the purpose of God. You do not have to fear, you do not have to worry. You do not have to stay down when you fall. You do not have to kick yourself for your failure or kick someone else like we tend to do instead of blaming ourselves.
God wants to forgive sinners. Forgiveness has always been part of God’s loving nature. He announced this to Moses, He revealed it to David and He dramatically showed it to the whole world through His Son Jesus. So let go and let God!
Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” –Luke 9:62
Live life, give people hope, share your heart, wisdom and resources. Never place a period where God says there should be a comma.
As always peace and blessings, be safe. Remember God loves you and so do I. ©krw 3.29.16